Support Services

Terra Effects’ support services offer the customer assistance within various aspects of landscaping and horticulture.  These services may be requested as an add-on to an existing installation project or as a stand-alone service to enhance an established maintenance program.

For example, if a customer wants to perform their own landscape installation but needs us to come in and prepare the site by establishing drainage patterns, etc., Terra Effects can come in and provide the machine work to get them to their desired jumping-off point.

Or, if a customer is performing their own landscape maintenance but they would like us to come in and provide nutrient delivery services, be it Tea Effects applications, finished compost installations or root-feeding, Terra Effects can do the job. Nutrient Delivery/”Tea Effects”

Below is a list of suggested Terra Effects’ “Support Services:

Leaf Vacuuming/Mulching




Snow Removal

 Bobcat Services/Site Preparation

Retaining Walls/Fencing

Shrubs/trees, Annual Planting, New Turf

 Interlocking Brick

Dual-Fuel Fire Pits

Suspension Bridges

Sunken Trampolines

Contact Us

available from 8:00 – 5:00

We pride ourselves on our high quality of work and our commitment to customer satisfaction. Whether you contact us for lawn mowing or brand new landscape design and installation, you will receive professional, competent service like no other in our area!

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